How Long To Cook Chicken In A Deep Fryer?

Author: Chester P. Rector
December 24, 2022

Deep frying has become very popular over recent years. Deep frying is a method where food items are immersed in hot oil or fat at high temperatures and cooked until golden brown. This technique is widely used for cooking fish, seafood, potatoes, vegetables, and meat.

Deep-fried chicken can make a delicious snack or even meal, but how long does one cook chicken in a deep fryer to get the perfect crispy chicken? Knowing and excruciating the time is a must for the perfect chicken. Well, it depends on which piece you are cooking; generally, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to cook chicken in a deep fryer. So dig into and learn more about the timing.

How Hot Fryer Should Be For Deep Frying
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Temperatures of 350-400 degrees Fahrenheit are required for deep frying. You must use the right cooking oil since the oil is heated much higher than it would normally be on a stovetop or in a pan.

Oils that have a high smoke point, or the point at which the oil becomes acrid and smokes, are better suited for frying than others. And while some oils are good for low-temperature cooking, they aren't necessarily ideal for frying.

We like using heart-healthy fats like safflower oil, rice bran oil, and peanut oil. Other great options include canola oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil.

How long to cook chicken in a deep fryer?

Deep-fried chicken cooking time varies depending on the temperature of the oil, the size of the pieces, and whether it's white or dark meat. Usually, smaller breast pieces take less than 10 minutes to cook when cooked in 350-degree oil, while larger pieces may take up to 20 minutes. For large pieces, check the center with a meat thermometer to ensure it is at least 170 degrees.

The best way to know how long to cook chicken is by using an instant-read thermometer — if your chicken doesn't reach 165°F after 15 minutes, then let it go another 5 minutes before checking again. If you don't have an instant-read thermometer, check every few minutes until the internal temperature rises.

If you want your fried chicken to be extra crispy, try using a lower temp oil (like 300 degrees) and increase the time. You'll also need to add more baking powder or flour to the batter to help crisp the coating.

Are There Any Ways to Reduce The Cooking Time?

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Yes, there is. You can reduce the time by pre-cooking the chicken. In the microwave or a pot of water, precook the chicken. Then cooled to the point that it can be handled easily and rolled in the breadcrumbs or other coating. That way, the deep fry can be done in 8-10 minutes per side or until the coating is golden, crispy, and brown.

How do you know when chicken is done in a deep fryer?

To know if your chicken is done, you need to cut open the chicken. The chicken is fully cooked when you cut into it, and the juices run clear when you do. You may have to cook your chicken a bit longer if the juices in the chicken are red or have a pinkish color.

How much oil do I need to deep fry chicken?

How Much Oil Do I Need To Deep Fry Chicken
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You only really need enough oil to cover the bottom of your pot and maybe 1/2 inch below the top. It’s not necessary to submerge the whole chicken in oil. Instead, lay it flat, pour the oil around it, and leave enough space so it won’t touch the sides.

When ready to start cooking, fill your pot 3/4 full with oil. Bring the oil to 350 F and set your timer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove any uncoated pieces from the oil and discard them.

Don’t worry if the oil looks cloudy. That means there will be plenty of oil left for frying the next batch.


We hope this guide has helped answer all of your questions about how long to cook chicken in the deep fryer. In addition, we’ve provided information on what type of oil works well and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your deep fryer experience. So, what are you waiting for? Start making your deep-fried chicken and enjoy the crispiness of every bite.

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